A unique opportunity — once in 28 years
It is only the third time in history that the Blessing of the Sun will be recited on the Eve of Passover. The first time was at the actual Exodus from Egypt. The second time was during the time of the Purim story. The third time will be this year — so expect big things to happen!
G‑d made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night . . . And it was evening and it was morning, a fourth day. —Genesis 1:14, 19
One who sees the sun at its turning point should say, “Blessed is He who reenacts the works of Creation.” And when is this? Abaya said: every 28th year. —Talmud, Tractate Berachot 59b
Every 28 years the sun returns to the same position, at the same time of the week, that it occupied at the time of its creation—at the beginning of the fourth day of creation. A special blessing – called Birkat Hachamah, “the sun blessing” – is recited to mark this event. Due to the rarity of this event, this blessing is customarily recited amid large public gatherings of men, women and children. This year we will perform this special mitzvah on the morning of April 8 (the morning before Passover). It is only the third time in history that the Blessing of the Sun will be recited on the Eve of Passover. The first time was at the actual Exodus from Egypt. The second time was during the time of the Purim story. The third time will be this year — so expect big things to happen!
The blessing is traditionally preceded and followed by a short selection of Psalms and prayers. The existence of nearly all life on Earth is fueled by light from the sun. Every morning without fail, the sun rises in the east and bathes us with its sustaining rays, causing flora to grow and, through the process of photosynthesis, providing oxygen for all fauna.
Some may call this phenomenon nature. We will gather on April 8th and declare otherwise: “Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, King of the universe, who reenacts the works of creation.” It is only the third time in history that the Blessing of the Sun will be recited on the Eve of Passover. The first time was at the actual Exodus from Egypt. The second time was during the time of the Purim story. The third time will be this year — so expect big things to happen!
The blessing on the sun should be recited on Wednesday morning, April 8, 2009, after sunrise and before a quarter of the day has elapsed—the earlier the better. If one missed this time, the blessing can be recited until midday. Ideally, the blessing should be recited outdoorsafter the morning prayers, amidst a grand gathering of men, women and children—as befits the excitement accompanying the fulfillment of such a rare mitzvah.
If possible, try to wear a new garment while reciting the blessing. The prayer service can be downloaded at www.jrcc.org/sun Before reciting the actual blessing on the sun, stand at attention with feet together and look at the sun. Do not, however, look at the sun while reciting the blessing. At the conclusion of the service it is customary for everyone to donate money to charity.
Exodus Magazine
One who sees the sun at its turning point should say, “Blessed is He who reenacts the works of Creation.” And when is this? Abaya said: every 28th year. —Talmud, Tractate Berachot 59b
Every 28 years the sun returns to the same position, at the same time of the week, that it occupied at the time of its creation—at the beginning of the fourth day of creation. A special blessing – called Birkat Hachamah, “the sun blessing” – is recited to mark this event. Due to the rarity of this event, this blessing is customarily recited amid large public gatherings of men, women and children. This year we will perform this special mitzvah on the morning of April 8 (the morning before Passover). It is only the third time in history that the Blessing of the Sun will be recited on the Eve of Passover. The first time was at the actual Exodus from Egypt. The second time was during the time of the Purim story. The third time will be this year — so expect big things to happen!
The blessing is traditionally preceded and followed by a short selection of Psalms and prayers. The existence of nearly all life on Earth is fueled by light from the sun. Every morning without fail, the sun rises in the east and bathes us with its sustaining rays, causing flora to grow and, through the process of photosynthesis, providing oxygen for all fauna.
Some may call this phenomenon nature. We will gather on April 8th and declare otherwise: “Blessed are You, Lord our G‑d, King of the universe, who reenacts the works of creation.” It is only the third time in history that the Blessing of the Sun will be recited on the Eve of Passover. The first time was at the actual Exodus from Egypt. The second time was during the time of the Purim story. The third time will be this year — so expect big things to happen!
The blessing on the sun should be recited on Wednesday morning, April 8, 2009, after sunrise and before a quarter of the day has elapsed—the earlier the better. If one missed this time, the blessing can be recited until midday. Ideally, the blessing should be recited outdoorsafter the morning prayers, amidst a grand gathering of men, women and children—as befits the excitement accompanying the fulfillment of such a rare mitzvah.
If possible, try to wear a new garment while reciting the blessing. The prayer service can be downloaded at www.jrcc.org/sun Before reciting the actual blessing on the sun, stand at attention with feet together and look at the sun. Do not, however, look at the sun while reciting the blessing. At the conclusion of the service it is customary for everyone to donate money to charity.
Exodus Magazine