About a week ago, we posted a warning---"Beware Big Brother trying to scare you into taking an unproven vaccine! " The whole situation surrounding this 'flu pandemic is bizarre.
At first, the Minister of Health said Israel would order vaccine, so it would be available if needed, but that we would not take delivery on anything until next year (2010). Next thing we hear the Prime Minister is vowing vaccine for every citizen and then the delivery date gets moved up to October.
I'd like to know who is orchestrating this and why. I mean is Big Pharma going bankrupt and need a massive infusion of cash from around the world, buying up a totally useless, but potentially deadly and experimental vaccine?? (I suppose you've heard that each person is going to need three injections!)
They tried for several years running to scare the world with a "Bird 'Flu" that never quite took off (forgive the pun) in the human population. Then they jumped to label this "Swine 'Flu" a killer when it had barely begun spreading in Mexico. Was it planted in the populace, quickly losing it's lab manufactured potency or were the reported numbers of dead artificially concocted and released to the media?
Take this for example:
62-year-old woman dies after being diagnosed with swine flu
Published: 08.18.09, 10:47 / Israel News
A 62-year-old woman died at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem on Tuesday, after being diagnosed with swine flu.
The woman also suffered from other diseases. According to the Health Ministry, although it is uncertain that the H1N1 virus was the cause of death, this cannot be ruled out. (Meital Yasur-Beit Or)
Now, look at this:
Swine flu death toll rises following 10th victim
...The 67-year-old patient was hospitalized a week ago in serious condition at the intensive care unit in the Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva and had apparently suffered from a severe illness.
The 76-year-old man suffered from a heart condition and was also admitted in serious condition to the intensive care unit at the Hasharon Hospital. Health Ministry officials claim that in these cases too swine flu could not be determined as cause of death but could not be ruled out either.
And yet if you only read the headlines, or do not read the article critically, the impression you would get is that these are swine flu deaths for a fact.
JPost reports: "...the ministry's policy is to attribute the deaths of those infected with H1N1 to the virus even when the cause of death is uncertain."
We have to ask why they so badly need to frighten the public with this manufactured 'flu pandemic.
Case in point. Just after reading that 'Nearly 1/4 of Israelis would refuse H1N1 vaccine', I ran across this Prognosis: 14,000 to die of swine flu .
I can't tell you what to do, but I will urge my family and friends to pay heed to the as-yet unproven, but highly likely connection between adequate levels of Vitamin D and immunity to the flu---Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D.
Be a smart and informed consumer of medical care. Get plenty of sunshine and be well!!