Monday, May 11, 2009

Signs of the Times

by Tomer Devorah

Learn how to read them and you'll understand how to respond to the events taking place around you...

Survey: Jews are Blamed for Economic Crisis

( A survey conducted by the Boston Review in its May/June issue shows that nearly 25% of American non-Jews blame “the Jews” a moderate amount or more for the financial crisis.

Furthermore, a total of 38.4% of the non-Jews in the U.S. attribute at least some level of blame to the group.

Possibly most significant of all were the subconscious anti-Semitic tendencies revealed based on the way the questions were phrased to different groups.

Police arrest gunman suspected of targeting Jews in U.S. town

Police in Connecticut on Fiday took into custody the suspect in the slaying of a Jewish Wesleyan University student in a university bookstore.

A Meriden police spokesman says 29-year-old Stephen P. Morgan was arrested and turned over to authorities in Middletown, who are investigating Wednesday's fatal shooting of 21-year-old Johanna Justin-Jinich.

Authorities say Morgan threatened to kill other students and Jews.

PA Tries to Use Pope’s Visit for Control in Eastern Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority attempted to seize control of the "Bridge for Peace” visit by Pope Benedict XVI by claiming authority over media coverage of his tour in Jerusalem. It arranged a meeting in the Ambassador Hotel in eastern Jerusalem for journalists covering the visit, but Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovitch (Yisrael Beiteinu) promptly issued an order to close the hotel.

...PA officials maintained that the government order will not stop it from taking responsibility for welcoming the Pope and supervising media coverage in Jerusalem's Old City, arguing that arrangements for the tour are its responsibility.

“Eastern Jerusalem is our responsibility, and we are supposed to take care of all matters there, including the Pope’s visit,” officials told the Hebrew-language web site of the Yediot Acharonot newspaper.

Russia: Push Israel to Peace in UN Security Council

( Russia, which chairs the UN Security Council this month, has asked the council to push Israel to make peace with the Palestinian Authority in a council meeting on Monday. Russia said the meeting should stress the “urgency of reaching comprehensive peace in the Middle East.”

Un Chief Ban Ki Moon, as well as US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, and foreign ministers from Austria, Turkey, Britain, and Russia will participate in the UN session on Monday. A preliminary draft statement said, “Vigorous diplomatic action is needed to attain the goal set by the international community.”

WSJ to Obama: Let Israel Attack Iran

( U.S. President Barack Obama should let Israel take military action to stave off a nuclear Iran, according to Monday’s Wall Street Journal. Editorialist Norman Podhoretz warns that Iran is close to gaining nuclear weapons, and that Iranian leaders have been outspoken in their willingness to use them.

Podhoretz notes that Obama has all but ruled out an American military option in Iran, which leaves Israel as the only country capable of stopping Iran. He warns that if not, “a nuclear exchange would become, if not inevitable, terrifyingly likely, and G-d alone knows how far the destruction would then spread.”

And WOW!

Netanyahu-Mubarak Talks Aim to produce Arab-Israeli Front versus Iran

If successful, Binyamin Netanyahu's first meeting as Israeli prime minister with Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak at Sharm el Sheikh Monday, May 11, may well mark an epic turning-point in Middle East history recalling the 1979 peace breakthrough with Egypt. Their common goals – and Mubarak speaks for the Saudi king Abdullah on this issue – are the formation of an Arab-Israeli front against Iran and putting a spoke in US president Barack Obama's planned détente with Tehran.

...In strategic-historic terms, he believes that would be a more advantageous deal than succumbing to American arm-twisting. After all, Cairo and Riyadh are willing to stand up shoulder to shoulder with Israel against Iran – unlike the Obama administration.


Of course, we can't depend on the Arabs or the Egyptians, but anything that weans Israel off the American baby-bottle is good for the Jews.

Even Obama is good for the Jews! Finally, the true face of American foreign policy and diplomacy are out in the open and not hidden behind a mask of "friendship."

And yes, even the Poop's visit will turn out to be good for the Jews if he and the Arabs start a war over control of Jerusalem. Let them kill each other for it and then when they are dead we will finally live here in peace.

About Iran....I think we will attack Iran and the fall-out will be very painful for Israelis with retaliatory strikes and devastating for Jews in chu"l with an explosion of antisemitic violence which is seething just below the surface.

Time grows ever shorter. Don't give in to distractions. Focus on teshuva and tikun and preparing to greet Mashiach.