Financial collapse, economic meltdown:
James Howard Kunstler: Banking System Has Been Mortally WoundedLondon Times: "Scale and speed of banking crisis [is] overwhelming"
NY Times: "Economic crisis may fracture Europe into rival factions"
Economist: "If Eastern Europe goes down, it may take down the EU"
Reuters: AIG Reports Biggest Quarterly Loss in U.S. History ($61.7 bn)
NY Times: Losses at AIG Eclipse Those at Citibank and Merrill Lynch
Wall Street Journal: AmEx Reeling from Late Payments and Defaults
NY Times: Jobless Claims Still Rising, Home Sales & Prices Still Falling
Market Watch: Worst One Month Job Losses in Sixty Years Expected
Seattle Times: Laid Off White Collar Workers Turning to Survival Jobs
CNN Money: "Those entering retirment will have very little to live on"
Economist: Financial Crisis Hitting Younger People Particularly Hard
Civil unrest, riots, breakdown in social order:
Daily Express: British MI5 Drawing Up Plans to Suppress Banking Riots
NY Times: Ukraine Teetering Near Collapse as Citizens Rage at Banks
Washington Post: Americans Seething Angry at Wall Street Executives
El Paso Times: Texas Crafts Plans for Collapse of Mexican Governmnet
60 Minutes: Mexican Drug Cartels Battling for Control of Border Areas
MSNBC: Mexico Now Under Seige Amid Growing War with Drug Cartels
Wall Street Journal: Guns Bought in U.S. Sold to Mexican Drug Cartels
El Paso Times: Texas Crafts Plans for Collapse of Mexican Governmnet
60 Minutes: Mexican Drug Cartels Battling for Control of Border Areas
MSNBC: Mexico Now Under Seige Amid Growing War with Drug Cartels
Wall Street Journal: Guns Bought in U.S. Sold to Mexican Drug Cartels