Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Death of a Myth

by Rabbi Lazer Brody

We owe a note of thanks to senior Fatah leader Mohammed Dahlan, former head of internal security in Gaza before the Hamas overthrew the Fatah, for destroying the myth the Olmert, Livni, and the USA have been trying to feed the people of Israel in recent years. In calling for a separate Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, we've been told time and again that the Fatah recognizes Israel and our right to exist. The USA no longer considers the Fatah a terror organization.

Dahlan set the record straight yesterday (for all those ostriches that preferred to bury their heads in the ground until now): "We demand of the Hamas movement not to recognize Israel because the Fatah movement does not recognize Israel even today."

Let's hope that this is enough for the new government to stop relinquishing portions of our beloved homeland to anyone, especially to those who wish to destroy us, Heaven forbid.

Thank you, Mohammed Dahlan.