James Howard Kunstler: "Mr. Obama will soon have to announce drastic measures - such as bank holidays - that will stun the American public . . ."
Dmitry Orlov: "[Many] successful, middle-aged men, breadwinners, bastions of society, are going to just completely lose it . . ."
UK Telegraph: "The unfolding debt drama in Russia, Ukraine, and the EU states of Eastern Europe has reached an acute danger point"
Washington Post: Possiblity of "High levels of violent extremism and regime threatening instability if economic crisis persists . . ."
London Times: "It may now be too late to prevent serious social unrest "
London Times: Brace for Combination of Deflation, Soaring Unemployment
Der Spiegel: 135,000 British Retail Stores Likely to Go Bankrupt This Year
Guardian: Irish Government Faces Growing Fears of National Debt Default
Associated Press: Massive Job Cuts Swelling Ranks of Homeless in Japan
El Paso Times: Mexico at Risk of a Rapid and Sudden Collapse into Chaos
Barron's Online: "This is a credit-loss cycle to end all credit-loss cycles"
Life after the oil crash