Burn The Infidels Out?
Jihadists are now being suspected of starting forest fires in Australia, fires which have wreaked havoc on the country.
"As more than 31 major fires continued to rage in the Australian state of Victoria and the death toll approached 200, there was speculation on Tuesday that some of the blazes may have been set by Islamists waging a "holy war", or jihad.
Investigators have determined that some of the fires were deliberately set by arsonists, prompting Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to say that whoever was responsible for lighting the fires had committed "mass murder". But bloggers have pointed to a report from September 2008 which warned that Australia had been singled out as a target for a "forest jihad" by a group urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror.
"U.S. intelligence channels earlier this year identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the U.S., Europe and Russia to 'start forest fires,' claiming 'scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels' forests when they do the same to our lands.'"
The website, reportedly run by a group called the Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network, "argues in Arabic that lighting fires is an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the 'eye for an eye' doctrine." To read more, click here.
They're Firing Rockets in Sweden!
In Sweden, peaceful pro-Israel demonstrators were attacked with rocket fire and pipe bombs by Muslim(?) Jew-Infidel haters.
There were several MORE attempts of rockets launched towards the peaceful pro-Israeli rally.
Muslim Arab Jubilance at the Attack on the Twin Towers
And let's not have a short memory. It was only a few years ago when the Jihadists attacked the American People. Lest we forget, American troops were NOT waging war in Afghanistan or Iraq then. The Americans were puzzled, scratching their heads. "Who would want to hurt us? What did we do to them that made them so angry as to attack us?" But Americans don't need to ask these questions. It is enough that you are still a Christian nation and have not succumbed to Islam yet.
So, forget the elections, whether it's Livni or Bibi, let's not lose our focus, there's a war raging, they're bombing Sweden! ... and I still would rather have either of THEM, than sympathizer, apologist, and Muslim stemmed B. HUSSEIN Obama.