"We're on a collision course with Syria, a high probability of a confrontation," said Amos Gilad, head of the Israel Defense Ministry's Diplomatic-Security Bureau, earlier today.
Gilad has an accurate assessment of the current situation, but his conclusions lack any semblance of spiritual awareness. He claims that Israel "would have no choice but try to reach an agreement with Syria in the near future" - that's naive, defeatist, and it means surrendering the Golan to Syria as if he learned nothing from the lessons of Gaza. Accurately though, he notes that failing to achieve such a peace would create a far more dangerous front for Israel, which in two years would include a nuclear Iran, Syria's rocket array and a well-equipped Hizbullah. The question is peace with whom? Gilad made the comments during a panel debate of former IDF major generals.
True, we face a dangerous hostile axis of Iran-Syria-Hizbullah. But, it's not the Golan that must be surrendered - it's our material lusts and appetites that prevent us from making teshuva that we should surrender. Nor is it peace we need with Syria - we need peace with Hashem. As in this week's Torah portion, once we make peace with Hashem, He solves the problem of our hostile neighbors. The comprehensive solution to our national security is that simple.
With elections only a week away, there's not a single party that has put the word "emuna" in their platform. Who to vote for? I've not yet found anyone that's selflessly and uncompromisingly loyal to Hashem, His Torah, the Land of Israel, and the Jewish people. If there's a politician and a party that can fill that bill, let them stand up and identify themselves. Don't forget to bring your voting record; past performance speaks louder than empty and meaningless future promises.