Friday, February 13, 2009

Anti-Zionist Riot at York University in Toronto

(Feb 12, 2009: Toronto, Canada) The Hillel organization at York University has closed at the recommendation of police, who were called in to restore order after about 100 anti-Israel activists surrounded the office and pounded the office door while shouting harsh anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic epithets.

York police are investigating as a hate crime an anonymous phone call to a Jewish student threatening his life and the life of his family if he continued his pro-Israel activities.The police are treating the threat as a hate crime, given the student's pro-Israel activities, and have tied the incident to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

While York University is known to have many Jewish and Israeli students and staff, its Muslim student population has risen in recent years. The anti-Israel student council condemned the recent Gaza operation.

Below is a video shot shortly after the violent attacks:
