Friday, January 16, 2009

The Abir Yaakov Fund for the South of Israel

The missile attacks against the south of Israel have not only maimed people and destroyed property, but have destroyed people's incomes, their children's emotional health, and even marriages, Heaven forbid. There are a long list of damages that the victims will never receive government aid for.

My dear and esteemed friend Yaakov ben Rachel Kalati, who founded the Keren Erez fund that did so much for the widow and orphans of the unforgettable tzaddik Erez Levanon of martyred, saintly, and blessed memory, is now doing enormous good work in giving financial aid to the people of southern Israel.

The "Abir Yaakov" Fund for the South of Israel is named after the famed Kabbalist, scholar, and miracle-worker Rabbi "Abir" Yaakov Abu Chatzera (illustration, left), whose yahrtzeit is today, the 20th of Teveth. The "Abir Yaakov" was the grandfather of the Baba Sali, one of this past generations greatest tzaddikim. Yaakov Kalati has also formed the fund in loving memory of his father Nuriel ob"m and of the "Ramban" - Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman - whose yahrtzeit is also today.

Emuna Outreach endorses the "Abir Yaakov" Fund for the South of Israel. Those who would like to help their needy brothers and sisters in the south of Israel who have so valiantly maintained a stiff upper lip under the relentless Hamas terror can contact Yaakov by email, at: yaakov(at), and he'll tell you the best and easiest way to donate, with no administration costs and all of your donation money to the needy of Israel's war-torn south. May the mitzva of charity protect you always, amen.
