The $64,000 question in Israel today is first, will the nations of the world - especially the USA - let Israel do what it needs to do, or will they pressure Israel into giving in to another meaningless ceasefire that allows the terrorists to lick their wounds and rearm as in UN Resolution 1701 from two and a half years ago? And second, even if Uncle Sam puts the squeeze on Israel, will our leaders have the emuna and courage to trust Hashem and do what's best for Israel? This is what what we have to pray for. My esteemed friend Rabbi Pinchas Winston looks at the current situation through the eyes of a Torah scholar. In his clarity of thought, he wonders how the USA can maintain its independence since it's up to its red white & blue eyeballs in debts to the Arabs. Will America be free to do what's right? Will it sell Israel down the river? Or will it sell itself down the river?
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