Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ribbi Lazer Brody: The End of the Macho Military Might Myth

IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi is a decent Jew - when he received his appointment, the first thing he did - without reporters on hand - was to go to the "Kotel", our holy Western Wall remnant of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem, to thank Hashem and to pray for guidance.

COS Gabi has been preparing for a ground assault, with the strike force assembling on the Gaza Border. Defense Minister Barak has now given him the red light - a non sequitur if stopping the Gaza missile fire and protecting Israel's citizens are what matters. The media reports that Livni and Barak are grovelling for a ceasefire and that IDF sorely opposes such an illogical, senseless move which is a clear sign of indecisiveness, fear, and lack of conviction. Like we've been saying, it's Lebanon 2006 all over again.

Livni and Barak are really not at fault. Hashem has taken their powers of good sense away. Why? Hashem won't give Israel a clear-cut military victory. Then, macho Israel will go back to trusting the army instead of trusting Hashem, and that's not in the blueprints for this final time before Moshiach. Since Hashem wants us all to learn emuna - and fast - He's putting an end to the Macho Military Might Myth. Wait and see - Israel's left will soon be crying for the Gazans and demonstrating against the IDF, and a truce will be decided upon. Hamas will continue to fire missiles at Jews. Business as usual, but if we don't wake up, there will be Nasralla and Achmedinejad to contend with too. Emuna now!
