Monday, July 27, 2009

The Fear Factor

Some claim that all attempts to put the fear of G-d into Jews today is a useless endeavor. They simply aren't motivated by it. Instead, unconditional love is the answer. It sounds nice, but is it true?

The Prophet Yeshayahu (Perek 2, Pasuk 19)---

And they shall come into the caves of the rocks and into the hollows of the earth, because of the fear of the Lord and because of the splendor of His pride, when He rises to break the earth.

The Prophet Yeshayahu (Perek 13, Pasukim 6-13)---

Lament, for the day of the Lord is near; like a raid from the Almighty it shall come. Therefore, all hands shall grow feeble, and the heart of every mortal shall melt. And they shall panic; pangs and throes shall seize them; like a woman in confinement they shall writhe; each man shall be amazed at his fellow; their faces are faces of flames. Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, cruel with wrath and burning anger, to make the land desolate, and its sinners He shall destroy from it. For the stars of the heavens and its constellations shall not allow their light to illuminate, the sun has become dark in its going forth, and the moon shall not shine its light. And I will visit evil upon the earth, and upon the wicked their iniquity; and I will cut off the pride of the presumptuous, and the arrogance of the tyrants I will humble. I will make mortal man dearer than fine gold, and man [dearer] than the collection of the gold of Ophir. Therefore, I will make heaven quake, and the earth will quake out of its place, because of the anger of the Lord of Hosts, and on the day of His burning wrath.

Many "experts" are predicting two great events for the Fall of 2009---the collapse of the US dollar and an Israel/Iran War.

Many Predict US Financial Collapse in September

Gates Gives Iran Two Months

If you do the research, you will find other examples. Additionally, the Web Bot Project finds language to this effect:

"Populace/USofA - War! War! And more [war] with aspects/attributes of [army], and [bad luck], and the [army carrying (its dead)] in long trains of [carts]that [stretch back] over the [horizon].

....As we progress modelspace past the October 26th shift point, and through the 10/ten days of [nebulous surroundings/environment] to [gathering worry] and [concern], the Populace/USofA entity gains large amounts of support under [war] as a sub set, and under that, the [army] sub set. Further, the primary rising aspect/attribute set for the Populace/USofA entity is also [war], and in its turn its primary support comes from the [army]. These sub sets begin growing rapidly from November 5 onward through all the rest of the month and most of December. There are indications for [serious/significant threats] being made which are described as [international] in scope, and focused on [economic fraud]. This last is further supported by [derivatives], and [accusations] of [looting *(by officialdom)] of the [treasure(y) of the people].

....The [war] aspect is supported by [army] which is supported at its primary level by [long caravans of dead being hauled]. This sub set has [international] among the secondary supporting layers, as well as [rapid], and [doomed (to defeat)]. The [army] sub set has [cocksure/over-confident] as its leading secondary supporting aspect set, and further contains modifiers of [shocking], [sudden], [complete], [calamity], [defeat], and [destroyed]. And this is only the half of it. While the [army] sub set is supporting [war], it is also the primary supporting set for [control] within the sub set for the [political elite] within the larger [populace/usofa] sub set. The aspect/attributes which grow under [army] in this context are entirely given over to [control], and focus on the [populace/usofa].

...As the modelspace is progressed through November and December, the [disaster] sub set in support of [war] and its affect on the Populace/USofA entity increases with supporting sets from [dark days (and) omens], through to [space (based) disasters], and includes [northern (fleet?) loss]. Other supporting layers include very emotionally charged lexical sets for [kneeling] and [praying]. These are further supported by large sets for [grief] at a [national level].

...the Populace/USOfA entity is constantly reflecting [war] as a subject. It should not be surprising then that [war] appears, and we frequently discount the lexical structures around the whole [war] context as being emotionally hot and therefore difficult to parse, *but* in this instance, the data sets are quite explicitly focusing on the [army/usofa] as an archetype for [military]. Further as each thread of the [war] sub set is followed out, as they all cross the December 21st move into Winter, all shift to [disaster] and imagery of [miles of dead] being [transported].

...there are large areas of cross links binding the [war] sub sets, specifically those appearing in November/December and the [whistleblower(s) (from) government], as well as to the Markets entity, sub set [dollar death], and specifically its sub set of [last usage], and [final passing]. The [war] sub set provides the imagery of [israel] attacking [iran] in the Fall and given the emotional tension shift on October 26th that propels the values through November and December, it would not be surprising to find that the [attacks against (the) victims (iran)] would arise close to that point as modelspace is progressed. The imagery from the detail aspect/attributes would have it play out as an [aerial bombardment] against Iran that is particularly [brutal] and that causes a very high level of [populace deaths] immediately in Iran.

...the [death tolls] to the [usofa military] start to become [known], and the whole situation changes overnight. It is at this point that the [officialdom/political elite] of the [usofa] start to [panic]. The [attacks by israel] have [caused] a nearly [complete cessation of trading (of anything)] at a global level, and the [food supply pressures] as well as the [escalation of death levels], *and* most importantly the attempt by the [political elite] to initiate [sudden, rapid] and [forced] drafting of the populace (both sexes) into the [military] starts the [active] stage of [rebellion] in the [usofa]. The [rebellion] sub set gradually is overtaken into [revolution] as the [bad disasters] grow across November and December. The data sets indicate that the [political elite] will instigate [lethal/deadly attacks] against the [populace/usofa]. "

B'kitsur, the USA is a sinking ship and time to jump ship is quickly running out. The Children of Israel have a homeland given to them by the Master of the Universe. Why should Ya'akov choose to go down with Eisav?