The Planet Jupiter has been hit by massive object! News headlines right out the ages of old from one of the oldest holy books.
The sefer 'Seder Olam Raba' states that in the time leading up to the redemption there will be a time of judgment. One sign of this time is the planet Zedek being struck. We all thought this happened when the comet Shoemaker-Levi #9 impacted Zedek (aka Jupiter) 18 times in the 90's, which was barely visible from Earth.
Today's impact was highly visible from Earth, spotted by an amateur astronomer with a 14" telescope in his back yard. As we are entering a time of Tzimzum, 'of constriction', maybe we are witnessing the evidence as foretold by our sages of old, blessed be their names.
We are in for a time of Constriction as never before. The last great birth pain, great contraction, was the Holocaust which brought about the physical redemption and we received the land of Israel. Geula Hagoof.
Now it appears we are beginning the passage through the darkest period in our history, the war of GoG. It looks like we are about to unfortunately pass another two contractions and receive the Geula HaNefesh and Geula HaRuach, the final redemption.
Hashem has sweetened all this by giving us this galut and causing us to fall away. This was to make the sentence lighter but we do not have to revel in it or to wallow in it. We must do teshuva and return.
There are many proofs of our time stamp, where we are holding on the cosmic clock. However, it not the time of proof. Sooner or later we must let go of our egos and justification of our laziness. We need to act now! This requires some believe and trust as we are running out of time.
We have in our power to by pass all this and receive the geula early 'acheshena' by doing complete and rapid TSHUVAH. The clock is ticking down and there are no time outs remaining.
It's up to us to arouse our fellow to do t'shuva b'ahava - to return to Hashem out of love. We must cause a spontaneous rapid and complete arousal from the below. I'Rutah hatata! It is our only hope to receive the geula before its time 'B'Etah' and with mercy. For mercy only goes with before its time. Woe unto us if we blow this off!
Hashem has warned us! In writing and with witnesses, and He wants and longs to show us His complete mercy. But our deeds are forcing him to give us a potch (a smack). Wake up! Please do not try process this, your ego is in the way. Just do tshuvah now!
Lets make it simple. Hashem is waiting for you and me to come to Him and renew the brit that we made with Him at Har Sinai before the conquest of the land. But we are standing here not catching the fact that we have to do it! No one is coming for us if we do not step forward to meet Him and hasten the process!
It's up to each of us to lose our egos. What, you like the Gehinom that we have made here for ourselves in this world? Personally, I'm ready for a change.
May we merit it before it's time, mamash today.
The sefer 'Seder Olam Raba' states that in the time leading up to the redemption there will be a time of judgment. One sign of this time is the planet Zedek being struck. We all thought this happened when the comet Shoemaker-Levi #9 impacted Zedek (aka Jupiter) 18 times in the 90's, which was barely visible from Earth.
Today's impact was highly visible from Earth, spotted by an amateur astronomer with a 14" telescope in his back yard. As we are entering a time of Tzimzum, 'of constriction', maybe we are witnessing the evidence as foretold by our sages of old, blessed be their names.
We are in for a time of Constriction as never before. The last great birth pain, great contraction, was the Holocaust which brought about the physical redemption and we received the land of Israel. Geula Hagoof.
Now it appears we are beginning the passage through the darkest period in our history, the war of GoG. It looks like we are about to unfortunately pass another two contractions and receive the Geula HaNefesh and Geula HaRuach, the final redemption.
Hashem has sweetened all this by giving us this galut and causing us to fall away. This was to make the sentence lighter but we do not have to revel in it or to wallow in it. We must do teshuva and return.
There are many proofs of our time stamp, where we are holding on the cosmic clock. However, it not the time of proof. Sooner or later we must let go of our egos and justification of our laziness. We need to act now! This requires some believe and trust as we are running out of time.
We have in our power to by pass all this and receive the geula early 'acheshena' by doing complete and rapid TSHUVAH. The clock is ticking down and there are no time outs remaining.
It's up to us to arouse our fellow to do t'shuva b'ahava - to return to Hashem out of love. We must cause a spontaneous rapid and complete arousal from the below. I'Rutah hatata! It is our only hope to receive the geula before its time 'B'Etah' and with mercy. For mercy only goes with before its time. Woe unto us if we blow this off!
Hashem has warned us! In writing and with witnesses, and He wants and longs to show us His complete mercy. But our deeds are forcing him to give us a potch (a smack). Wake up! Please do not try process this, your ego is in the way. Just do tshuvah now!
Lets make it simple. Hashem is waiting for you and me to come to Him and renew the brit that we made with Him at Har Sinai before the conquest of the land. But we are standing here not catching the fact that we have to do it! No one is coming for us if we do not step forward to meet Him and hasten the process!
It's up to each of us to lose our egos. What, you like the Gehinom that we have made here for ourselves in this world? Personally, I'm ready for a change.
May we merit it before it's time, mamash today.